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Dean Adservio

March 2022 Grey Matters

The Grey Matters

March 2022

Table of Contents

1.) vGSW Spring Update

2.) New Class Announcement: The Wizardry of Wealth

3.) Two Wizards Talk: Episode 11 - Magick in Daily Life and Accuracy vs Intention

4.) Call For New Apprentice Leaders

5.) A Message for our Esteemed Scabbard of Apprentice Leaders

6.) Candleside Chat with Provost Kingsley

7.) 2022 Conclave RSVP


vGSW Spring Update

By Provost Kingsley

Spring comes a little early this year with VGSW's latest update! Be sure to log-in and check out what's new! Patch Notes:

-Campus Visually Updated to reflect the change of season

-Updated and higher resolution textures

-Minor updates to terrain to improve performance

-Minor updates to caves to avoid an issue which caused some people to clip through the ground

-The Wizard Loaf continues to avoid capture


New Class Announcement: The Wizardry of Wealth

By Dean Adservio

We are pleased to announce that "The Wizardry of Wealth" at Level Three in the Magickal Practices Department is now accepting enrollments. This brand-new class is power-packed with successful spells and shrewd strategies for attracting and keeping money, ending debt, advancing your career, and building long-term wealth and financial security.


Two Wizards Talk: Episode 11 - Magick in Daily Life and Accuracy vs Intention

By Grey Matters Staff

Greetings, all! A new episode of Two Wizards Talk is now available at Make sure to join us on the forums at for a conversation on the benefits of incorporating magick into day-to-day life and the relative merits of accuracy, tradition, and intention in magickal operations.


Call For New Apprentice Leaders

By Dean Emrhys Starhawk

Greetings Apprentices! The end of the current term is coming and that means we need to elect new Apprentice Leaders! If you are interested in serving as a Prefect for your Lodge or if you want to make a run for Captain or Vice-Captain please review the Handbook at and submit your essays to


A Message for our Esteemed Scabbard of Apprentice Leaders

By Provost Nicholas Kingsley

As always, I hope that the day finds of each you in the best of health and the highest of spirits.

As a young boy I was enchanted by the concept of Apprentices in leadership positions, and always felt that they were, in some way, extra magickal. While it turns out that being prefect avails one no fireball throwing powers, It is one of the things that I always felt truly represents what it is to be a Wizard.

Though as with any crown, the weight of such a station is rarely known in full till that day where it is placed on your brow.

The weight of such things comes not from the token itself of course, but from those people which it represents. Each sitting on the brim and trusting in your ability to not tilt too far or stumble as you go. While I would love to say that no one ever stumbles, the fact of things is that we all do. What is more important is the way in which we recover. These actions are what truly earn us the grace to continue our stations of service.

For those drawn to this enigmatic path, service is like breathing.

It comes naturally and if we don't do it we cease to function. The trick for some comes in the direction of that service and whether it will be towards others, or ourselves. I have been so pleased to look on as each of you have demonstrated exemplary service to others.

Though in our desire to be of help, we must be mindful not to over extend or promise what can not be delivered. This trap of good intention snares many well meaning souls, and indeed can be quite the challenge to set right. Even so, each of you has risen to that challenge and transformed the experience of doing so into valuable lessons, and indeed, Wisdom.

With this Wisdom, of course, comes a Responsibility to use it well.

Truth be told, there are some who take upon themselves the cloak of command only to instill their will over others, or see their vision made manifest above all else. A Wizard however understands that there is an even greater power in building up as opposed to ruling over. It has been a privilege seeing each of you use your positions to empower and aid your peers here at GSW, serving as fine examples of not only what it means to be a Leader, but also a Wizard.

While this term will soon draw to an end, with those powers granted to you by station returning to their source, the power of that Reputation each of you has cultivated during your term of service will stay with you. Your words will carry more weight, your actions used as examples, your stories told...

As I mentioned before, when I was a boy I looked at the Apprentice Leaders of GSW as an example of what it means to be a Wizard, and I feel that you all live up to that expectation splendidly.

It has been my great pleasure to get to know each of you a little better this term, and to watch the truly great works of Wizardry, both big and small, that you have performed.

Semper memento, discipulus magus, Omnia vivunt, omnia inter se conexa.

My Brightest Blessings and Best Wishes,

~Nicholas Kingsley~


Candleside Chat with Provost Nicholas Kingsley

By Grey Matters Staff

Join our Provost for the most recent candleside chat on the Forums at

In this episode:

~The Departure of a Dean

~Physical Level-Up Certificates sending soon

~Physical Welcome Letters Delayed

~GSW Conclave RSVPs

~Physical Classes

~New Potions Class

~New Aqua Wizard Class

~Noble Magus and Defensors Return

~New Scholarship Opportunities

~Tutorship program in the works


2022 Conclave RSVP

By Grey Matters Staff

Those who plan on attending the 2022 Conclave at GSW's Physical Campus in Whitehall, NY are asked to RSVP as soon as feasible. For more information and to submit your reservation, visit



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