Grey Matters
January 2023
Table of Contents
1.) 2023 Physical Classes
2.) Winds Lodge Moot
3.) New Two Wizards Talks Episode
4.) Defensors Club Seeks Members
5.) Spiritual Authority and You
6.) Monthly Class Spotlight
7.) February 2023 Astrology Overview
8.) The Wand Chooses the Wizard
9.) Travel Tips for the Weary Wizard
10.) Passing the Torch Interview
11.) Psychic Arts Department Crossword
2023 Physical Class
By Grey Matters Staff
Five classes have been selected to be offered in 2023 at GSW's Physical Campus in Whitehall,
NY. These include core requirements for all Apprentices such as "Wizardry 100: Becoming an Apprentice" as well as others.
Completing classes in-person offers a great way to accelerate your learning by completing them in just a few days, a chance to deepen your knowledge by providing opportunities for real-time and in-person communication with your instructor, and facilitates subjects that can be challenging to learn at a distance.
Because of the success of GSW's fundraisisng drive in 2022, these classes are offered at a discounted tuition of $200 each (regularly $250) and include lodging.
You will find a complete roster of the available classes, their dates, and signup instructions on the Forums at
Winds Lodge Moot February 18th 2023
By Prefect Cerberus Bindweed
New Two Wizards Talk Episode
By Grey Matters Staff
Join Headmaster Kingsley and Dean Meighen as they discuss the Ceremonial Magick Department at GSW, the subjects it includes, what it means to practice Ceremonial Magick, and the future of the Department.
Listen now at
Defensors Club Seeking New Members
By Prefect Cerberus Bindweed
Spiritual Authority and You: A Handy Introduction for Wizards
By Dean Meighen
Greetings, Apprentices and Magisters! An often overlooked topic in Ceremonial Magick is that of spiritual authority. Today, I would like to share a few thoughts on the matter that an aspiring White Wizard would do well to keep in mind. Firstly, what exactly is spiritual authority? Authority is defined, in part, as “The power to enforce laws, exact obedience, command, determine, or judge.” Spiritual, in this context, refers to the Spiritual Model of Magick – which deals with noncorporeal intelligences (aka spirits) of many kinds, as well as forces or “energies” such as those of the Zodiac, Elements, Planets, etc. Thus, your spiritual authority is your potency and ability to enact your will when interacting with such intelligences and forces. As an analogy, it’s a measure of the respect and esteem that those spirits or forces hold you in and how likely they are to listen to you. Secondly, how does one acquire authority? Well, in general, there are two types of spiritual authority: borrowed authority, and developed authority. Borrowed authority is probably the most common type seen historically and it relies on the Wizard securing the favor and support of one or more potent spirits (such as a deity) and relying on its power to back up their own words. This can often include a process of identifying oneself with the deity in question. An example of this can be seen in the Stele of Jeu, where the operator at one point declares: I am He! the Bornless Spirit! having sight in the feet: Strong, and the Immortal Fire!
I am He! the Truth! I am He! Who hates that evil should be wrought in the World!
I am He, that lighteneth and thundereth.
I am He, from Whom is the Shower of the Life of Earth:
I am He, Whose mouth ever flameth:
I am He, the Begetter and Manifester unto the Light:
I am He; the Grace of the World: "The Heart Girt with a Serpent" is My Name! Come Thou forth, and follow Me: and make all Spirits subject unto Me so that every Spirit of the Firmament, and of the Ether: upon the Earth and under the Earth: on dry Land, or in the Water: of whirling Air or of rushing Fire: and every Spell and Scourge of God, may be obedient unto Me! The other type, the developed authority, is built over time by the Wizard’s deeds and efforts. It is, in fact, their reputation (which should sound suspiciously like a reference to the Three Rules). Aspiring White Wizards are often directed to engage in rigorous regimens of practice and study, much like how a student musician must practice every day with their instrument in order to build their skills. This lays the foundation of one’s developing authority and reputation, as it both proves commitment and willpower as well as building skills and knowledge. Thirdly, why does one require spiritual authority? Well, one needs spiritual authority – at times – in order to be able to be respected or heeded by spirits or forces one tries to work with. Without it, some spirits may simply ignore your call, refuse to help you, or even lash out against you. Of course, not all spirits or forces will recognize and respect the same authority, so that is something a wise Wizard must take into account. For example, a naga spirit of Eastern traditions like Hinduism or Buddhism may well have different expectations of what qualifies a Wizard to interact with it than an elemental spirit. Hopefully, this short dive into the topic of spiritual authority has proved illuminating. Do feel free to ask any questions you may have in the comments below.
Monthly Class Spotlight - Wizards of History 101: Archaic
By Apprentice Fred
This article is part of a monthly series focusing on specific classes offered at Grey School of Wizardry. If you’re not sure what class to take next, or are looking for a little extra inspiration, you’ll want to pay attention to this section. Feel free to share your thoughts and insights with your fellow apprentices and magisters on the relevant department forums as you go through these classes. Collaboration leads to greater insight!
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As you pursue your studies with Grey School, you will learn and refine many skills, following in the footsteps of your instructors as well as teachers from ages past. Wizards of History 101:
Archaic, a level one class in the Lore department and the first in a series, helps the apprentice to view our world through the lens of great wizards of ages past, and encourages research into their lives and deeds. This course will require more reading than the average class at GSW, and searching for source material is an exercise in itself; however, the rewards of doing so are tremendous, and serve to enhance any future classes you will take, in every department.
Wizards of History 101: Archaic will take you from Ancient Egypt, to Greece, the Middle East
and beyond. Each lesson has a brief summary of several important wizards of that time period, each homework will require you to find more information about them, and each essay you write will require not just the raw facts you can find, but also your own interpretation of what you have read and how that information would have affected wizards and the population at-large of that time period. You will exercise critical thinking skills, and come to conclusions about our past that you may not have previously considered. At the culmination of this course, the apprentice will be able to carry these critical thinking skills forward into future classes to better obtain information and sift through hidden meanings, whether the source material is five thousand years old or from yesterday.
Wizards of History 101: Archaic is also a great exercise in citation. While Writing and Citing is not a prerequisite for this class, you will be using several references for each assignment, and must cite them properly. If you’re looking to take another course, perhaps something a bit different from the other departments, I highly recommend Wizards of History 101: Archaic. I encourage you to share your insights gained on the Lore department forums, whether you are just now enrolling in this class, or have taken it in the past.
February 2023 Astrology Overview
By Prefect Cerberus Bindweed
February 2023 is an interesting month. For those not aware, the name ‘February’ is taken from the Latin word “februa’ meaning "to cleanse." The ancient Roman calendar, which we can thank for giving us our modern calendar names, called this month Februarius, named after the festival of Purification -Februalia. This will make sense later in this article.
Personally, I don’t work with the months of the year as most do in the secular world but base my honouring of the months using astrology, specifically what Zodiacal sign the Sun rules within that secular month. As a result, you will find astrological, numerological and tarological overlaps between 2 months.
For example, the Sun is in Aquarius from the 20th of January to the 18th of February (30 days), so you may consider the first ten days of Aquarius as being ‘young energy’ with Aquarius just starting his rulership, then from the day 11 to 20, Aquarius has matured and is at his highest influence and days 21 to 30 where his influence begins to wane but still felt.
I would highly recommend for anyone to read my article posted in the Divination Department titled January 2023 Observations to get a better understanding of the year’s energetic theme and the theme for the Month of January as it links in with this month. I also discuss the first half of February in that article as it goes into the Tarot card and Astrological associates of Aquarius, considering Aquarius being this rulership from the 20th of January.
For this month, I will be focusing on the various Astrological Aspects that can be found in Feb 2023 and continuing format from the January article discussing the February Pisces (19th Feb to 20th March) tarot and numerology associations.
In the January 2023 article, we left off with the Star Tarot Card being associated with the sign of Aquarius. As a recap, the Star inspires us to seek heavenly (astrological) guidance to navigate the coming year and encourages us not to give, to be optimistic and have faith in ourselves to achieve our goals and dreams.
From the 19th of February to the 20th of March, the Sun is in the Zodiacal sign of Pisces, moving from an Air sign to that of Water. With the Sun in Pisces, this is a time when you may experience a journey involving some kind of personal sacrifice of mundane personal desires which are holding you back or causing issues in your life that you may not be consciously aware of.
Pisces is very much about following your intuition and using your imagination to discover the best strategy that will benefit you the most. You may find yourself overly sensitive and emotional at this time with a strong want to spend time in isolation to avoid life stresses whilst recharging your batteries.
An important thing to note is that on the 28th of January, Venus enters into the sign of Pisces which indicates the month of February will have strong compassionate, affectionate and tender feelings which encourage us to remove any boundaries that may be holding us back from building relationships or feeling compassion for others; however this will commence very slowly until the 15th of February where this Venus transit into Pisces can be felt strongly.
The Tarot card associated with the sign of Pisces and therefore the later part of February is the Moon, which is all about imagination, dream work and being pulled down into the unknown. The keywords associated with this card are fluctuation and confusion.
The Moon illuminates that which we may fear or try to suppress and hide from the world, that buried potential yet to be seen or fulfilled. No matter what happy face we may put on during the day, when night has come, the moon will bare all that’s been hidden usually through strong dreams and intuitive thoughts that come up from your unconscious, into your subconscious, and then conscious mind.
This card tells us we must pay attention to our intuition and face our fears to learn from them and move forward in our life, so those fears no longer hold us back or keep us stagnant. Due to these fears, our emotions may be unstable or volatile during this time so its important that when making decisions, nothing should be taken for granted, instincts should not be ignored and you should not be hurrying these decisions. It may be wise to let events run their course rather than forcing a situation that you may not be ready for.
Numerologically speaking, this month is associated with the number 09 (0+2+2+0+2+3=9). In Pythagorean numerology, the number 9 symbolises the end of a cycle and the beginning of a number which makes sense as this is the number of completions though not finality. It also represents success, forgiveness, and compassion.
Some Important Astrology Aspects (ET)
February 03 & 04: Sun squares Uranus
February 04 & 05: Venus squares Mars
February 06 & 07: Mercury sextiles Neptune
February 07 &08: Venus sextiles Uranus
February 10: Mercury conjuncts Pluto
February 15: Venus conjuncts Neptune
February 16: Sun conjuncts Saturn
February 16 & 17: Sun conjuncts Saturn
February 17 & 18: Mercury sextiles Jupiter
February 19 & 20: Venus sextiles Pluto
February 21: Mercury squares Uranus
February 22: Mercury trines Mars
February 22: Mercury squares Uranus
February 23: Mercury tines Mars
The Wand Chooses the Wizard: An interview with Salem Witch and Master Wand-Maker, Penny Cabot
By Instructor Jim “Raven” Stefanowicz
Hello, Penny! On behalf of myself and the Grey School of Wizardry, thank you for agreeing to participate in this interview, my old friend. Your masterfully crafted wands are world renowned and grace the hands of many a Wizard! As someone in possession of two of them, I can attest to their beauty and power. What initially made you want to craft wands, and what, would you say, is the most rewarding part of doing so?
Being born and raised as a Witch and artist, I felt that the best way for me to give back to the Witch Community would be through the crafting of magickal items. Psychically “tuning in” to the item I’m working on is key, as is the application of my knowledge of influence. It is vitally important that you know what you are working with energy wise.
Wands, for me, are the most fascinating tool. To watch the journeys of my wands after their creation, to watch the entities and forces associated with each wand find their people, is simply astounding!
Sometimes I connect with the Universal Mind to seek and find what the wood wants, and other times the Ancestors will come through and tell me what they would like me to create. I’ve often wondered if the Gods and Goddesses have a specific person in mind when they request my services? For instance, hearing a call from Hekate to make her a wand, then getting halfway through the process and hearing a resounding NO, because she wanted a different hound charm on the wand than the one I was using. I often get mental images of these details. Then the hunt begins for that specific charm. Fast forwarding, someone will claim the wand and then relay to me that they have that very same hound charm on their altar. In another case, a young man rolled up his sleeve and revealed a hound tattoo that he has drawn in honor of Hekate. He was shocked by the clay hound face I adorned his wand with. So for me, the joy is in the confirmation of knowing that the Divine guide me through each creative process, and that the magickal pieces are going exactly to where they belong.
Do you believe that “the wand chooses the wizard,” or vice versa? Why?
Wand after wand, magickal item after magickal item, I have been honored to see and hear confirmation that what I am instructed to create by the Ancestors and the Divine are truly for specific individuals. Over the span of 50 years, I have watched as each piece would find its Wizard or Witch. I am quite certain that wands send beacons of energy to find and draw in the practitioners they are meant for. So yes, in a matter of speaking, wands most certainly choose where they go.
Your wands are often adorned with crystals and charms and are available in a vast array of colors. You’ve also used many different types of woods over the years, as well as alloys. That said, what role do correspondences play in wand-making?
The “formula,” if you will, for each wand is a combination of correspondences and influences. Creating a recipe for an involved intention usually means that I start with the type of wood. If I’m working with Apple, I must understand not only what Apple means to the practitioner, but also how that wood would project in the hand of the practitioner. Apple is a wood of power, knowledge, and the Ancestors. This energy may be accompanied by Sun or Moon energy. If I am adorning the Apple wand with silver, it would bring into the wand feminine/Goddess energies, along with attributes of balance, nurturing, and psychic empowerment.
Now, having these two fundamental core energies working together within the wood and alloys, we can fine-tune the intention through stones and astrological influences to achieve a specific energy “hum.” Using the Apple and silver wand as an example, I might add an amethyst to sooth and direct the mind, or maybe a stone for intuition like black moonstone. Now we’d have a wand of power with energies of balance and intuition, driven by feminine forces. I would call this a “Wand of Psychic Balance,” and it would be great to use in Lunar workings.
What are some of the ways in which wands can be used?
A wand is an extension of the magickal self. It is a tool that enhances the energies that you are directing. There are some Wizards who practice reiki and will, at times, use a wand to aid in long-distance sessions. Wands can also be used to charge other items- even food! If you are on a healthy eating spree you could use a wand to charge a piece of fruit with the most “correct and harmonious energies and forces” to heal your body.
Of course, one of the most common uses for wands is circle casting. My wands are “locked” from ever doing harm. If one of my wands is used to do baneful magick, the spell will not work. If the practitioner is persistent, the wand will “self-destruct.” And let me just say for the record, I have performed many stress tests on my wands to be sure they stand the test of time. Happily, I’ve only seen the self-destruct mechanism go off once or twice in a half-century of wand making.
If you could give a single piece of advice to the Apprentices and Magisters at Grey School who are going to be making wands of their own as a part of their studies, what would it be?
Before you forage your wand wood, be sure to ask the permission of the tree or woodland spirits first. If the energy feels “right,” and you feel that the answer is “yes,” take the wood and leave an offering. Never harvest wood without permission, and never do so without leaving something in its place.
I hope that what I have shared with you all finds you well, and magickally driven to do amazing things. Happy casting to all of you, Wizards. Remember, do what thou will and may it harm none. Cast for the good of all!”
-Penny Cabot
Travel Tips for the Weary Wizard
By Apprentice PsychicMonk
Flights cancelled, travelers stranded at airports, missing luggage - what can a weary Wizard do to protect themselves and lessen the blow of all this travel chaos that seems to plague our national transportation system? As a former travel agent and one who was personally involved in the Southwest Airlines Holiday Meltdown, I can save you a lot of grief if you take a few moments of your time to read my travel tips below.
1) DO NOT select an airline to use by PRICE or COST alone. Some of the low-cost budget airlines have the worst on-time, delays, and cancelled flights stats in the industry.
2) The major, more established airlines, like Delta and American, have agreements among themselves, if they cancel your flight, they will try and find you a seat on another airline to get you to your destination. Southwest Airlines DOES NOT have any such agreements; basically you are stuck until Southwest can put you on another plane.
3) Try and book THE FIRST FLIGHT OUT in the morning. Most of the time, the plane will be there already and so will the flight crew. This is huge, especially in bad weather scenarios. Even if you are delayed, you still have the rest of the day to get on a plane. MOST TRAVEL DELAYS HAPPEN IN THE AFTERNOON; I know we all love to sleep in and take our time getting to the airport, but in this day and age of airport chaos, you have to stack the deck in your favor.
4) If possible, if you have a choice, ONLY BOOK DIRECT FLIGHTS!! One Plane gets you to your destination. DO NOT BOOK CONNECTING FLIGHTS. I know sometimes connecting flights are cheaper but they are really treacherous these days. If your first flight gets delayed enough to miss your connecting flight, you are now stuck at the connecting city airport hoping there is another plane out to your destination.
5) BOOK EARLY!! The earlier you book your flight, the cheaper it will be and you will have more booking options. REMEMBER, the cheap seats sell out first, as time goes on the cost goes up and up.
6) DO YOUR HOMEWORK!! Plan ahead, assume you are going to have an issue with your flight, and ask these questions. If my original flight gets canceled, are there later flights that day from my airport? Same airline? Different airline? Does my airline have an agreement, as discussed above, to use another airline? Have this info handy, just in case.
7) AVOID THE MESS!! Keep track of what weather is expected at your location and where you are flying to. CHECK The Weather Channel and free weather apps for weather the day before, the day of your flight, and the day after. CHECK your airline’s website for bad weather alerts; most airlines will allow you to change your flights to avoid the bad weather, FREE OF CHARGE. If your travel dates are flexible, by all means leave a day earlier. I was able to visit my family Christmas Week just by flying out a day earlier. Most flights were canceled the next day.
8) Make sure you DOWNLOAD your airline’s app on your cellphone, and make sure you have updated notifications settings, to receive text messages for gate changes, delayed flights, etc. I also recommend downloading THE FLIGHT BOARD app that displays flight board information, Arrivals and Departures, for most worldwide airports, usually you can get gate information way ahead of your airline. You should also download other airline’s apps so if your flight is canceled you can quickly look up other flight alternatives to your destination.
9) DO NOT CHECK IN YOUR LUGGAGE!! Try and only use carry-on suitcases, they are with you at all times and can’t get lost, misplaced, etc. If you have to check in luggage then make sure you try and get a direct flight with no transfer of your luggage from plane to plane.
10) IF THE WORST HAPPENS!! If your flight is Canceled, REMEMBER if it is your Airline’s fault that your flight is canceled, you are entitled to a FULL CASH REFUND. Mechanical issues, flight crew does not show up, etc - KEEP receipts of hotel charges, meal expenses, extra rental car expenses - these are all costs the airline must reimburse you for.
I hope this helps a bit, my weary fellow traveling wizards.
Passing the Torch: Interview with Headmaster Nicholas Kingsley and Adeptus Oberon Zell-Ravenheart
By Apprentice Cosmo Rubiconis
On the occasion of the Passing of the Torch Ceremony, when then-Provost Nicholas Kingsley became Headmaster of the Grey School and succeeded then-Headmaster Oberon Zell-Ravenheart, Apprentice Cosmo Rubiconis had a chance to interview both of these redoubtable Wizardly figures.
This interview can be watched at
Psychic Arts Department Crossword
By Grey Matters Staff
Complete it online at
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